Power Soul Retrieval Training™

Soul Retrieval is one of the most powerful shamanic healing practices. It aims to return portions of the soul that may have moved away (dissociated) from out bodies as a result of trauma or any situation in which we were unprepared to feel the associated emotions. Shamans believe that soul loss is a common source of illness, depression, and chronic fatigue, as well as a variety of mental and emotional disorders. In this advanced course, we will learn how to find and retrieve these portions for clients in a healing session. 

The soul is the central vital force of all human beings, our life essence. Traumatic physical and/or emotional events can cause portions of our consciousness to dissociate away from us; we can become dispirited or “beside oneself.” The soul parts leave in order to survive. This “soul loss” can have us feeling that we are missing something, a portion of ourselves. This can occur through traumas or even minor disappoints in life. Shamans know how to retrieve these soul parts to make the person whole and thus heal.

Michael Harner learned soul retrieval in 1961 among the Conibo people of the Amazon and first taught the technique in 1983. Based on ancient principles, and expanded and enriched through decades of research and practice, Power Soul Retrieval Training™ is one of the most important shamanic healing methods. Participants in this workshop learn the shamanic way to deal with soul loss and how to perform soul portion retrieval safely and precisely.

The workshop “Power Soul Retrieval Training™” addresses:

  • Theoretical and practical exploration of the nature of the soul

  • Getting to know and understand events that lead to soul loss

  • Ethical and compassionate handling of soul loss in shamanism

  • Safe and precise healing methods to retrieve soul parts

  • Deepened understanding of shamanic cosmology

*Prerequisite for participation is completion of both Extraction Healing, and the Shamanism, Dying and Beyond advanced courses.