History of the FSS

Anthropologist Michael Harner, Ph.D. (1929~2018) discovered and formulated the fundamental principles of Core Shamanism, the essence of his 50 years of comparative studies of shamanic cultures worldwide. Learning from shamanic cultures in the Upper Amazon, Saamiland (northern Scandanavia), Mexico, North America, and the Canadian Arctic, Dr. Harner observed and recognized the transcultural, universal, and common characteristics and techniques of shamanic work. Integrated into a coherent system, these practices and principles are known as Core Shamanism.

What Yogananda did for Hinduism and D.T. Suzuki did for Zen, Michael Harner has done for shamanism, namely bring the tradition and its richness to Western awareness. Michael Harner is widely acknowledged as the world's foremost authority on shamanism and has had an enormous influence on both the academic and lay worlds. – Professor Roger Walsh

Independent from any specific cultural background, Core Shamanism offers an effective way of reconnecting to spiritual roots while developing an independent spirituality. Especially for those who are in danger of losing their shamanic traditions or – as in most industrialized nations – have lost them already, Core Shamanism represents a direct approach to accessing spiritual healing power and knowledge anew – actual methodologies for operating in spiritual realities.

Core Shamanism is taught in quality workshops offered by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS). Founded in 1979 as the Center for Shamanic Studies, the FSS has been providing an effective methodology of shamanism for 45 years. With full respect towards indigenous cultures and based on the principles of classical shamanism and Western science, the FSS translates ancient principles for our modern worlds and societies, addressing the needs of our time. As a not-for-profit organization, the Foundation is solely committed to the well-being of the community.

Activities of The Foundation for Shamanic Studies

  1. Preservation of Shamanism: Where invited, the FSS supports activities to preserve or revive shamanic traditions at risk. The FSS established collaborations in Central Asia and Siberia, China, Saamiland, Australia, Canada, USA (incl. Alaska) and in the Amazon. In addition, it supports the work of exceptional shamans within the framework of the “Living Treasures of Shamanism ” program with a lifelong stipend. This allows these Living Treasures to pass on their knowledge and continue their tradition. Preserve and Revive Indigenous Shamanism: Living Treasures of Shamanism and Indigenous Assistance

  2. Research on Shamanism: The FSS undertakes ongoing projects on shamanic cosmology and practice, such as the “Shamanic Healing” program or “The Mapping of Non-ordinary Reality” project. Its “Shamanic Knowledge Conservatory” is an unprecedented collection of shamanic artefacts, literature, field notes, photographs and audio-visual material. Research: Shamanic Knowledge Conservatory, including the Mapping of Nonordinary Reality (MONOR) Project.

  3. Teaching Shamanic Knowledge: Developing courses and offering serious training in the West and East is a top priority of the Foundation, and it currently offers courses internationally to thousands of individuals annually. The Foundation also sponsors and financially supports grassroots shamanic training in new geographic areas throughout the world. Introducing individuals to the direct and democratic spirituality of shamanism continues to be one of the most important and broad-based efforts the Foundation can make toward healing humankind and its relations with the Planet and its other inhabitants. Discoveries made through all projects in the work of the FSS have an interactive relationship and together they contribute to pushing forward the boundaries of knowledge -- knowledge that is then passed on to people worldwide through FSS workshops and training courses. We invite you to become part of this worldwide effort.

    The Foundation for Shamanic Studies offers several hundred high-quality workshops on relevant topics in shamanism worldwide every year. It thus significantly contributes to the renaissance and further development of shamanism in modern societies. Since each culture has its own specific mythology, language, world of symbols and concepts, as well as customs, it is often difficult for people from other cultures to access it. Core Shamanism therefore helps to integrate shamanic practices into one’s own life without having to imitate another culture.

FSS Asia/Oceania

FSS Asia came into being 15 years ago when Dr. Harner asked Kevin B. Turner, a linguist resident in Asia, to direct FSS courses in Asia and Oceania. Since 2000 Kevin has researched and trained with shamans in Bali, Nepal, Mexico, and Mongolia, and since 2009 has offered over 200 Core Shamanism courses in Asia and Australia.


Transcendence of Time in Shamanic Practice. Dr. Harner speaks at the Science and Non-duality Conference, 2011.

Shamanic Healing with Michael Harner. Portion of speech at University of California, 2009.

FSS Research: www.shamanism.org/fssinfo/research.html

Full-length documentary: The Work of Michael and Sandra Harner

Articles published by the FSS: www.shamanism.org/articles/index.html

Become a Member: www.shamanism.org/join/index.html

FSS America: www.shamanism.org

FSS Asia: www.shamanism-asia.com

FSS Europa: www.shamanism.eu/de

FSS Latin America: chamanismo-transcultural.com

More about: Core Shamanism

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